What is expected of students for their capstone project?

Students are required to identify a project of interest to themselves, and align with a faculty advisor. They will then outline clear goals for their work, complete adequate preparation, utilize appropriate methods, depending on the project collect results or create a product, effectively present their work and completed a reflective critique that helps to link this experience to their future. The focus is on students learning and sharing of that learning, not publication or other similar external metrics.

Credit for the Capstone course is granted upon completion of the following final components.

  1. Final Project Write-up | Submission of a report written in the scholarly format which includes Introduction, Methods/approach, Results, Conclusions, Discussion, and Reference sections. Due based on the AS Capstone month date.
  2. Formal Presentation | Demonstration of a professionally styled Poster, Podium , Exhibition, or any other appropriate production for the results of the project in March of the AS year.
  3. Guided Reflection | Submitted immediately following project presentation in the AS year.

[updated 8.19.16cjb]