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Academic Year 2020-2021 Flexible Clinical Experiences

Step 1 | Complete and Submit no later than May 30 2020

NEW course & graduation requirements

  • Minimum of 2 experiences; up to 4 experiences in CCE year
  • Option to defer 1 experience to AS year; at least 1 experience must occur in CCE year
  • All experiences must be clinical, or virtual when appropriate
  • Option to repeat 1 experience (2 weeks)
  • No department restrictions
  • No changes to PSCS schedule accepted after May 30

Use this form to...

  • Identify and commit to at least two (2) Flexible Clinical Experience weeks.
  • For each week that you plan to complete, select 2 clinical departments in which you prefer your experience to take place. (Initially, you will be enrolled in your first choice.) 
    Note: include department preference even if you plan to self-design.

 for _____
Respond to all required (*) fields to ensure successful submission

 for _____
Respond to all required (*) fields to ensure successful submission

Do you plan to complete an FCE during FCE week 1
August 31 - September 4 2020

Do you plan to complete an FCE during FCE week 1
August 31 - September 4 2020

Do you plan to complete an FCE during FCE week 2
December 14-18 2020

Do you plan to complete an FCE during FCE week 2
December 14-18 2020

Do you plan to complete an FCE during FCE week 3
January 4-8 2021

Do you plan to complete an FCE during FCE week 3
January 4-8 2021

Do you plan to complete an FCE during FCE week 4
January 11-15 2020

Do you plan to complete an FCE during FCE week 4
January 11-15 2020

Additional Preference Information
We can't promise we will have the capacity to satisfy the additional preferences you add below, although we will make every effort to do so.

Additional Preference Information
We can't promise we will have the capacity to satisfy the additional preferences you add below, although we will make every effort to do so.