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Academic Year 2020-2021 Flexible Clinical Experiences

Step 1 | Complete and Submit no later than May 30 2020

NEW course & graduation requirements

  • Minimum of 2 experiences; up to 4 experiences in CCE year
  • Option to defer 1 experience to AS year; at least 1 experience must occur in CCE year
  • All experiences must be clinical, or virtual when appropriate
  • Option to repeat 1 experience (2 weeks)
  • No department restrictions
  • No changes to PSCS schedule accepted after May 30

Use this form to...

  • Identify and commit to at least two (2) Flexible Clinical Experience weeks.
  • For each week that you plan to complete, select 2 clinical departments in which you prefer your experience to take place. (Initially, you will be enrolled in your first choice.) 
    Note: include department preference even if you plan to self-design.

 for _____
Respond to all required (*) fields to ensure successful submission

Do you plan to complete an FCE during FCE week 1
August 31 - September 4 2020

Do you plan to complete an FCE during FCE week 2
December 14-18 2020

Do you plan to complete an FCE during FCE week 3
January 4-8 2021

Do you plan to complete an FCE during FCE week 4
January 11-15 2020

Additional Preference Information
We can't promise we will have the capacity to satisfy the additional preferences you add below, although we will make every effort to do so.