Capstone Scholarship & Discovery Course
Advisor Participation Contact
Working with students in the Capstone Scholarship and Discovery course is a rewarding way to engage in direct student learning and professional development!
Advisors help to guide students through the project process by directing students to resources (including other people), helping students with time management plans, right-sizing projects, and by providing feedback on written work. Advisors start working with students when they complete the Capstone Project Proposal in fall of the FOM2 (2nd) year and conclude with the final Capstone Project Write-Up and Presentation in the AS (4th) year. They are encouraged to schedule regular meeting or check-in times and may be otherwise engaged by students as needed. Meetings with students may be face-to-face, although any form of communication is appropriate, including email. The time commitment is anticipated to be approximately 20 hours over the 2 1/4 year span. Faculty advisor contributions to the Capstone Scholarship and Discovery course are recognized through Educational Efforts Assignment to the advisor’s home academic department.
Thank you so much for your interest in the Capstone Scholarship and Discovery course (CSD)! You may contact us at any time to ask additional questions at:
Please submit your contact information via the CSD Advisor Interest Form (
modified 11.21, 2016cjb