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June 2024 The Francis lab welcomes SURP student Thalia Mason to the lab!

May 2024 We're thrilled to have 1st year GSBS students Emily Norman and Hannah Rogers join the lab. Welcome to our newest graduate students!

November 2023 Kellie’s first author paper is accepted for publication at Nature Communications!

July 2023 The Francis lab welcomes PREP student Caroline Moore to the lab!

March 2023 Congratulations to Sam for his NIH NRSA predoctoral fellowship award! 

December 2022 Kellie successfully defends her thesis - Congratulations Dr. Alexander!

July 2022 The Francis lab welcomes PREP student Hillary Nna to the lab!

June 2022 Congratulations to Kellie Alexander for receiving the Dean’s Award for Outstanding Student Research Mentor!

April 2022 Congratulations to Sam for passing his Qualifying Exam!

March 2022 Kasturi’s first author review of reactive oxygen species in the nervous system is accepted for publication at NeuroSci! 

January 2022 Devyn’s first author paper is accepted for publication at PLOS Genetics!

November 2021 Shankar’s first author paper with co-first authors and former Francis lab members, Navonil Banerjee and Raja Bhattacharya, is accepted for publication at eLife!

October 2021 The Francis lab welcomes post-bac trainee Brian Santivanez to the lab!

September 2021 The Francis lab welcomes Julia, our new Research Associate!

March 2021 The Francis lab welcomes Sam, our newest graduate student!

March 2021 Devyn successfully defends her thesis – Congratulations, Dr. Oliver!

August 2020 UMass Chan News - Kasturi in the student spotlight

June 2020 Congratulations to Kasturi for passing her qualifier!

August 2019 Devyn’s collaborative paper with the Lemons lab at Assumption College is accepted for publication at the Journal of Developmental Biology!

August 2019 Congratulations to Devyn for receiving a Remillard Family Community Service Award to support neuroscience tutoring efforts in the Worcester public schools!

August 2019 Our collaborative work with the Alkema lab is published at Elife!

July 2019 Congratulations to Kellie for being awarded a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Gilliam Graduate Fellowship!

April 2019 The Francis lab welcomes Kasturi, our newest graduate student!

August 2018 NSF grant with Drs. Michele Lemons (Assumption College) and Claire Bénard (University of Quebec at Montreal) is awarded!

June 2018 Alison’s paper is accepted for publication at Elife!
See UMass Chan Press Release

March 2018 Alison successfully defends her thesis – Congratulations, Dr. Philbrook!

February 2018 Congratulations to Devyn for her predoctoral NRSA award!
See UMass Chan Press Release

February 2018 The Francis lab welcomes Lauren, our new research technician!

November 2017 Congratulations to Kellie for passing her qualifier!

June 2017 Devyn receives honorable mention for the GSA Poster Award at the C. elegans meeting in L.A.

May 2017 Devyn receives the Riccio-Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Student Travel Award.

April 2017 Alison and Belinda's paper is accepted in Development!

March 2017 Navonil's paper is accepted at PLOS Genetics!

December 2016 Navonil successfully defends his thesis – Congratulations, Dr. Banjeree! 

September 2016 Shankar joins the Francis Lab as a Post-Doctoral Associate.

September 2016 The Francis lab welcomes Kellie, our newest graduate student!

June 2016 Congratulations to Navonil  for receiving the GSBC Travel Award!

June 2016 Congratulations to Alison for receiving the Dean's Award for outstanding Mid-Thesis Research!

May 2016 Congratulations to Devyn for passing her qualifier!

September 2015 Alison's paper is accepted at Current Biology!
See UMass Chan Press Release

June 2015 Mike receives Dean's Award for Mentoring!

June 2015 The Francis lab welcomes Devyn, our newest graduate student!

February 2015 Congratulations to Alison for her predoctoral NRSA award!

July 2014 Belinda successfully defends her thesis – Congratulations, Dr. Barbagallo! 

June 2014 Raja's paper is accepted at PLOS Genetics!

May 2013 Congratulations to Alison for passing her qualifier!

February 2013 Hilary's paper is accepted at J. Neuroscience!

August 2012 Hilary successfully defends her thesis – Congratulations, Dr. Petrash! 

August 2012 The Francis lab welcomes Alison, our newest graduate student!

June 2011 Congratulations to Belinda for her predoctoral NRSA award!
See UMass Chan Press Release

June 2011 Congratulations to Navonil for passing his qualifier!

June 2011 Hilary receives poster award at the C. elegans meeting!

August 2010 Belinda's paper is accepted at J. Neuroscience!

July 2010 Mike is awarded Muscular Dystrophy Association grant!

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