Page Menu

Example Site 12:35

This example site uses the optimized template and is consistent with the Umass Chan brand. Here you will find examples of all the functionality available in this CMS (content management system). Look through this site to see all the ways you can set up your pages and all the available functionality.

Learn more about the CMS:

[PAGE TYPE] Microsite Landing Page

The page you are currently on is called a Microsite Landing page. You will hear us refer to this page as an MSLP. This page is used for the parent page of the site, or also known as the homepage. There are many settings in the properties for this page as it sets the main elements of the site which inherit down to all the pages of the site:

  • banner image or text as well as additional logo area
  • main menu and how it displays
    • flyout or mega menu
  • Footer elements
    • drop block area for blocks that will inherit throughout the site
    • footer menu 
    • footer text
    • site name, address and contact info

Each page type has the ability to display content in the left column, right column, just below the banner area (top slider content area) and below the main content (vertical content area). These are areas where you can add blocks of content.

Blocks can be set to display at different widths, from 1/4 to full width. Below is an example of 3 generic blocks set each to 1/3 so they reside next to one another, and then 2 blocks set to full width so they stack.

Generic block

[Block paragraph] This is a Generic Block added to the vertical content area of a page. A generic block is the most flexible block as all properties are optional.

Read more about generic blocks

Generic block

[Block paragraph] This is a Generic Block added to the vertical content area of a page. A generic block is the most flexible block as all properties are optional.

Read more about generic blocks

Generic block

[Block paragraph] This is a Generic Block added to the vertical content area of a page. A generic block is the most flexible block as all properties are optional.

Read more about generic blocks

Vertical Block Area

Suspendisse ac risus eget nibh placerat eleifend at vel urna. Donec finibus ipsum vel erat tempor dignissim. Suspendisse id augue odio. Phasellus et elit neque. Fusce ut nunc laoreet, vehicula arcu vitae, bibendum ligula. 

Vertical Block Area

Suspendisse ac risus eget nibh placerat eleifend at vel urna. Donec finibus ipsum vel erat tempor dignissim. Suspendisse id augue odio. Phasellus et elit neque. Fusce ut nunc laoreet, vehicula arcu vitae, bibendum ligula. 

Generic Block

Using Background Color Style

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tristique facilisis sapien, nec consequat nibh tristique quis. Proin vehicula sodales aliquet. Aliquam consectetur risus felis, aliquet finibus enim tristique vel. Maecenas finibus augue quam, sed pellentesque justo imperdiet et.