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Blackstone Specialty Advisors

This list of House Specialty Advisors is comprised of UMass Chan faculty who are highly recommended by students and/or faculty peers as passionate ambassadors for their field. To learn more about a specialty that you are interested in exploring contact your House Specialty Advisor to arrange a meeting or time to shadow* them in the clinical setting. (If you do not hear back after reaching out with a couple of emails, it is fine to contact a House Specialty Advisor in another House). When you do meet with a House Specialty Advisor consider interviewing them about their field by asking questions such as those in the list linked to here.


For shadowing opportunities in a given field please contact your House Specialty Advisor, EXCEPT for dermatology and adult hematology/oncology. For observerships in those fields please contact the individual specified below:


Blackstone House Specialty Advisor

Anesthesiology Mark Dershwitz email
(No Observerships*)
Emergency Medicine John Broach email
Family Medicine-Primary Care Katharine Barnard email
Family Medicine-Sports Medicine Lee Mancini email
Geriatrics Jerry Gurwitz email
Hospital Medicine Majid Yazdani email
Internal Medicine-Primary Care Howard Sachs email
Internal Medicine-Cardiology Dennis Tighe email Craig Smith email
Internal Medicine-Endocrinology Andrea Kassai email
Internal Medicine-Gastroenterology Curtis Barry email
Internal Medicine-Hematology / Oncology
(No Observerships*)
Laurie Pearson email
Internal Medicine-Infectious Disease Richard Ellison email
Internal Medicine-Nephrology Bernie (Maria) DelRosario  email
Internal Medicine-Pulmonary Medicine / Critical Care Nick Smyrnios email
Internal Medicine-Rheumatology Jonathan Cheah email
Medicine / Pediatrics Laura Gibson  email
Neurology Raphael Carandang email
Neurosurgery Mark Johnson email
Obstetrics & Gynecology Petra Belady email
Ophthalmology Jeremy Meltzer email
Orthopedics Mark Kraus email Daniel Mandell email
Otolaryngology Aaron Remenschneider email
Palliative Medicine Isabel Castro email
Pathology Vijay Vanguri email
Pediatrics (General) Peter Sell email
Pediatrics (Subspecialties) Mike Fahey email  (Cardiology)
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation David Mazin email
Plastic Surgery Janice Lalikos email
Preventative Medicine Mukti Kulkarni  email
Psychiatry Fida Hassan email
Radiation Oncology Gavin Jones email
Radiology (Diagnostic) Ryan Tai email
Radiology (Interventional)  
Surgery Anne Larkin email Don Czerniach email
Urology Paula Bellin email
Vascular Surgery Laura Boitano email