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Family Medicine & Community Health Elective Course Description

Course Name: Health Care for the Homeless
Course Number: FC-415
Elective Type: B1 

Erik Garcia MD
Contact: Karen Rayla

Department: Family Medicine & Community Health
Sites Available: Homeless Shelters and Outreach Centers
Months Offered: E1- M2 & M6- M10
Number of Students / Month: 1
Prerequisites: Completion of 3rd Clerkships
Enrollment Process: Approval from coordinator required; email approval to electives@umassmed.edu to schedule

Elective Description: 
To learn how homelessness impacts on health and the ability to access health care and to participate in a program which addresses these issues through a unique comprehensive approach. To explore the special health care needs of patients with psychiatric illness and substance abuse issues. To expand the students’ knowledge base through direct participation at outreach clinics in Worcester. To gain insight and appreciation of the difficult medical and social issues faced by the medically underserved.

Students will observe and assist in providing medical care at several sites throughout Worcester, including local shelters and neighborhood clinics. Students will participate in hospital rounds on patients admitted to these sites.

Location: Homeless Shelters and Outreach Centers
Individual Preceptorship Sites
Website: http://www.umassmed.edu/fmch/