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“Adulting Shorts” – Comic series

  • 02-29-24 Adulting Shorts: Let’s Talk About Workplace Accommodations

    Adulting Shorts: Let’s Talk About Workplace Accommodations

    Work can be hard! If you have a mental health condition, you might need to ask for an accommodation at work. An accommodation is a change to the way your job is done to allow you to do your job well when you have a disability. This comic by the NIDILRR-funded Learning & Working RRTC shares some real-world experiences from young adults with lived experience of mental health conditions when working. For more information about requesting accommodations at work, please read our Accommodations at Work tip sheet.

  • 09-21-23 screenshot of comic transcript available in post

    Adulting Shorts: Passport to Adulting: Managing Your Paperwork

    This info-comic is for youth and young adults with serious mental health conditions with tips about keeping and protecting important personal records and information.

  • 09-20-23 thumbnail of comic - transcript in the copy

    Adulting Shorts: The "TEA" on IEPs Part 4

    This info-comic is for high school students to help them understand what an Individualized Educational Plan or IEP is, what transition planning is, and the importance of the student being involved in them. Part 4 focuses on Mateo leading his IEP meeting. Part 4 focuses on Mateo leading his IEP meeting. Parts 1 through 3 can be found on our website.

  • 12-05-22 thumbnail of comic

    Adulting Shorts: The "TEA" on IEPs Part 3

    This four-part info-comic is for high school students to help them understand what an Individualized Educational Plan or IEP is, what transition planning is, and the importance of the student being involved in them. Part 3 focuses on Mateo practicing his presentation for his IEP meeting.

  • 09-29-22 thumbnail of comic

    Adulting Shorts: The "TEA" on IEPs Part 2

    This four-part info-comic is for high school students to help them understand what an Individualized Educational Plan or IEP is, what transition planning is, and the importance of the student being involved in them. Part 2 focuses on Mateo completing his IEP worksheet.

  • 09-29-21 Thumbnail of image transcript in copy

    Adulting Shorts: The “TEA” on IEPs Part 1

    This four-part info-comic is for high school students to help them understand what an Individualized Educational Plan or IEP is, what transition planning is, and the importance of the student being involved in them. Part 1 focuses on Mateo learning about what the IEP meeting is.

  • 09-29-20 thumbnail of comic - transcript in copy

    Adulting Shorts: An Interview Tale, PART 2

    Part 2 of the Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research's An Interview Tale Comic depicts questions in an interview that a young adult may encounter.

  • 09-25-20 thumbnail of comic - transcript in the copy

    Adulting Shorts: An Interview Tale, PART 1

    Part 1 of the Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research's An Interview Tale Comic demonstrates questions that an interviewer can and cannot ask someone during an interview.

  • 08-15-19 thumbnail of comic

    TACR Shorts: College Accommodations Comic

    This comic is designed to help young adults with mental health conditions find out that accommodations in college are available and where to go to learn more about them and request them. 

1-9  of  9  items