Encouraging pedal power
UMass Chan Medical School has a bicycle commuter registry program to provide free access to the showers (and locker rooms) at the campus fitness center, so cyclists can clean-up and change their clothes before staring the workday.
“We hope this will facilitate more bicycle commutes,” said Kortni Wroten, sustainability and energy manager at UMass Chan. “Riding a bicycle to campus can be good for one’s health and good for the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. So, we thought having the ability to shower and change would take away a potential barrier for people who would like to ride in.”
How to join
To sign-up for the program, cyclists need to register with the parking and access control office on the first floor of the main Medical School building. Their ID badge will be programed with access to the fitness center (located on the third floor of the Albert Sherman Center) during the gym’s staffed hours of 5 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday through Friday.
This program grants access to the showers and locker rooms, but not the fitness centers other equipment or services.
Will this affect my current parking?
Riding your bike will not affect your parking access. If you choose to drive to campus, please park where you were assigned when signing up.
Can I use the showers over the weekend?
No, only Monday-Friday during the gym’s staffed hours.
Can I use the gym with my additional access?
No. The gym space and equipment should not be utilized unless you have a gym membership. Staff members of the gym will monitor your use to ensure you only use the shower. There is a limit of one hour to use the shower facilities at the fitness center. Please make sure to show them your bicycle sticker on your ID badge when entering the facility.
Does this program cost anything? Do I need to be enrolled in the parking program to be a bike commuter?
This program is of no cost, and you do not need to be signed up for parking to join.
If you have any questions, please contact parkingoffice@umassmed.edu
This map shows the bicycle rack and bus stop locations on campus.