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SWAP Shop Moves to Third Floor

SWAP Store MoveAfter a brisk holiday swapping season, the SWAP Shop has moved up to the third floor of the main medical school building and is now open for business in room S3-209.

“We knew the move was coming because our old location was scheduled for renovation,” said Suzanne Wood, sustainability and energy manager at UMass Chan. “So we hope everyone will make note of the new location, just one floor up, and come visit the shop soon.”

SWAP, otherwise known as “Surplus With A Purpose,” is an initiative that facilitates the reuse of equipment on campus. UMass Chan Medical School students, faculty and staff are encouraged to bring surplus office supplies, small furniture or laboratory equipment to the SWAP Shop so others on campus can put the items to good use.

Conversely, a casual stop at the SWAP Shop as one is walking through the building can net some useful items. “We opened the shop in October, and since then over 1,000 pounds of items, valued at about $17,000 has been exchanged,” Wood said. “We’re very pleased with the success so far and want to see this grow.”

Among the hottest items at the SWAP Shop are file organizers, lab chairs and glassware, Wood said. The shop has a growing inventory of printer ink and toner cartridges, so people are encouraged to make note of the type they use and stop by to see if there are any in stock. A recent delivery of gently-used lab chairs is also worth the trip to check out, Wood noted.

Any student, faculty or staff member on campus is encouraged to bring useful work-related items to the SWAP Shop, and take items they can use. (Home goods are not accepted.) The room is open during regular business/school hours and operates on the honor system. People can drop off items at their convenience. When taking an item from the shop, people are asked to make note of it in the log book.

The SWAP Shop accepts office and lab equipment and supplies, but no chemicals, biologicals, isotopes, or needles. Any lab equipment must be appropriately decontaminated before being transported and dropped off at the shop. Large pieces of furniture or major capital items are not included. Those items can still be repurposed, but should be handled through the UMass Chan Purchasing Department’s asset moving policy.