Commuter Survey Parking Winners Announced
The online commuter survey launched last month is now complete and the response from the campus community was even larger than last year.
Over 1,800 people completed the survey, exceeding the threshold needed for the results to be acceptable to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) which requires large employers in the state to conduct periodic commuter surveys.
"We appreciate the big response," said Bill Tsaknopoulos, director of auxiliary services at UMass Chan. "We gathered more data than we expected, and that will help us meet our requirements and plan."
As promised, everyone who completed the online survey was entered in a drawing for a month of free premium parking, with six winners to be chosen. And the winners are:
1. Megan Briggs, Disability & Community Service
2. Rasheda Romeo, Registrar's office
3. Erin Heyer, student, Biochemistry & Molecular Pharmacology
4. Joe Lenox, Environmental Health & Safety
5. Elisabeth Tisei, resident in Pediatrics
6. Anna Bjornsdottir, resident in Neurology
Data from commuter surveys of large employers help the Commonwealth plan and implement commuter programs and transportation projects. By providing their real-world experiences, participants help to refine priorities for public investments that reduce road congestion and emissions from commuting. Success with the on-line survey avoids the need to complete a manual process to gather data about campus commuting patterns.