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Dr. Johanna M. Seddon Received the 2019 Future Vision Award

Future Vision Foundation is a not-for profit organization. Its mission is to inspire innovative vision research and celebrate breakthrough vision advances through powerful documentaries of discovery, impact, and hope.
Dr. Seddon and other awardees celebrate at Future Vision Award Ceremony, November, 2019
Dr. Seddon and other awardees celebrate at Future Vision Award Ceremony, November, 2019
  Dr. Johanna M. Seddon was honored to receive the 2019 Future Vision Award. The Future Vision Foundation celebrated Dr. Seddon’s contributions to vision research by producing a documentary film illustrating her journey, research discoveries, and its impact on alleviating suffering from eye disease. The film premiered at the Future Vision Award ceremony at the Cleveland Museum of Art, on November 2, 2019.

Below is the video of Dr. Johanna Seddon, created by Future Vision Foundation as part of the award: