NOTE: we have added a new question to this review form! Please indicate below if you think this student project and or report is worthy of special mention at Capstone Presentation Day.
Comments | Recommendations required for "Requires Revision" determination
The student outlines the background of his or her specific project topic, citing three or more sources, resources or experiences (eg, professional literature, patient history taking, case review, skills development, talking to experts, associated FCEs, similar or legacy project information). The introduction includes discussion of the scholarly activity, how it fits into the current knowledge base and it reflects a basic understanding of the field.
Note: minimum of 3 citations may occur across the entire final report
Student clearly describes the approach to the project and describes how this approach aligns with defined goals.
The student defines the specific components of the methodology and explains why these were chosen. Methods are appropriate for the project. Challenges encountered are shared including how they were addressed.
The reference list should appear at the end of the paper, and provides the information necessary for the reader to locate and retrieve any source cited in the body of the paper. Each source cited in the paper must appear in the reference list; likewise, each entry in the reference list must be cited in the text.
These comments will be shared with the student and their Project Advisor.
These comments will NOT be shared with the student.
extra space
Please double-check that you have typed the correct student name and included all required responses before submitting this review. Thank you!
Please note | When successfully submitted, you will be directed to the Thank you for your submission webpage. Please contact us directly at if you suspect your review was not submitted.
Updated DEC 7 2022 | cjb