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UMassMed Deep Sequencing Core Labs - Illumina Sample Submission Ticket

DSCL Sample Submission Form

Investigator/Client Information

Sample Information

Multiplexing, Indexing, and Barcodes

Sequence Analysis Run Type

Instrument requested *

NovaSeq Options

phiX DNA control percentage *This addition is required for libraries with low sequence diversity/complexity (such as Chromium 10X) to ensure the base balance needed for optimal imaging. Please Note: Based on the information you provide, should we deem it necessary we will automatically add the appropriate % of PhiX DNA to your sample(s).

MiSeq Options

phiX DNA control percentage *This addition is required for libraries with low sequence diversity/complexity (such as Chromium 10X) to ensure the base balance needed for optimal imaging. Please Note: Based on the information you provide, should we deem it necessary we will automatically add the appropriate % of PhiX DNA to your sample(s).

Data Delivery Information

Do you want md5sum values?

Payment Policy