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2016 Grand Rounds Archive

Frank Domino12-20-16 / Frank Domino, MD

Top 10: EBM Updates
Morgan Comee12-13-16 / Morgan Comee, PharmD, CDE

New Medications for Diabetes
 Katherine Callaghan, MD12-6-16 / Katherine Callaghan, MD

Substance Use in Pregnancy:  Resources at UMass
Kimberly Sikule, MD

11-29-16 / Kimberly Sikule, MD

Medical Issues in Endurance Athletes

Alan Drabkin


11-15-16 / Alan Drabkin, MD

Checking the Checkboxes:  A Critical Appraisal of Quality Performance Measures


11-8-16 / Paul Jeffrey, PharmD

Are Drugs Becoming Unaffordable?

 Alan Ehrlich

11-1-16 / Alan Ehrlich, MD

Public Health Concerns about Legalizing Marijuana


 Jennifer Daly

10-25-16 / Jennifer Daly, MD

Latent and Active TB: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Issues


10-11-16 / Billie Adler, Maria Elena Ferrero, John Trogolo, and Daniel Wolpert

Patient and Family Advisory Council

Leigh Kimberg

10-4-16 / Leigh Kimberg, MD
Visiting Putterman Professor

Trauma Informed Care: Creating Opportunities for Healing


 Dan Lasser

9-20-16 / Daniel Lasser, MD

Practice Transformation: Vision and Reality

 Kristina Gracey, MD

9-20-16 / Kristina Gracey, MD

Exercise: What should we recommend?

 Bob Baldor

9-13-16 / Robert Baldor, MD

Skin Cancers: Preventing, Screening and Treating

 Charles Lehnardt

9-6-16 / Charles Lehnardt, DO

Osteopathic Medicine

 Jeffrey Wacks

6-28-16 / Jeffrey Wacks, MD

Direct Primary Care

 Patricia Seymour

6-21-16 / Patricia Seymour, MS, MD, FAAFP, FHM

Clostridium Difficle Colitis: An Evolving Disease


6-14-16 / Gillian Griffith (MD/PhD Candidate)

Contraceptive Use by Women with Substance Use Disorder


 Jennifer Bradford

5-24-16 / Drs. Bradford and Garcia, Guilfoil-Zinkevich, MSW and Bell

Look Beneath the Surface: Providing Informed and Compassionate Care in a Healthcare Setting to Victims of Sexual Exploitation

 Kristin Mattocks

5-17-16 / Kristin Mattocks, PhD, MPH

Women Veterans in VA Care

 Patricia Seymour

5-10-16 / Drs. Seymour, Shields, Melnitsky and Flynn

Breastfeeding 101

 Ron Adler

4-26-16 / Ron Adler, MD

Quality in Health Care: The New Frontier

       Erika Harding

4-19-16 / Erika Harding, MA

Project ECHO (Extension for Community Health Outcomes)

 Catherine Brown

4-12-16 / Catherine Brown, DVM

Emerging Vector-borne Disease:  Local & Imported

 Gregg Jacobs

4-5-16 / Gregg Jacobs, PhD

Pharmacotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I)

 Katherine Hsu

3-22-16 / Katherine Hsu, MD

STD Update for Clinicians

 Matilde Castiel

3-15-16 / Matilde Castiel, MD and Zach Dyer, MPH

A Healthy Worcester by 2020

 Bill Behan

3-8-16 / Bill Behan, RN, BS, CC and Mary Stone, RN, MSN

Home Healthcare Overview for Providers

 Katharine Barnard

2-23-16 / Katharine Barnard and Marianne Sarkis, PhD

Caring for our Patients with FGM

 Hussam Jefee-Bahloul

2-9-16 / Hussam Jefee-Bahloul, MD

Psycho-Pharmacological Management of Alcohol and Opioids Addiction

 Auralyd Padilla

2-2-16 / Auralyd Padilla, MD

A Biopsychosocial Lens on Behavioral Issues in Young Children

 Richard Lirio

1-26-16 / Richard Lirio, MD

Gluten Free and Other Fad Diets

 Daniel Jones

1-19-16 / Daniel Jones, MD and J. Herbert Stevenson, MD

Intro to Sports Medicine and Overuse Injuries

 Eric Alper

1-12-16 / Eric Alper, MD

There and Back Again - An Epic Journey

 Jeff Baxter

1-5-16 / Jeff Baxter, MD

Overdose Reversal with Nasal Naloxone