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Arabic is a language that has grammatical gender. There are masculine and feminine forms of words which are demonstrated below. Gender neutral language was used when possible.

Hello. My name is [__________].

Hello. My name is [__________].
.[name] مرحبًا. انا اسمي
MAHR-hah-bahn. ah-NAH IZ-mee [name].

I'm a medical student. (male speaker)

I'm a medical student. (male speaker)
.انا طالب بكلية الطب
AN-uh TAW-lib bee koh-LEE-uh tuh tuhb.

I'm a medical student. (female speaker)

I'm a medical student. (female speaker)
.انا طالبة بكلية الطب
AN-uh TAW-lee-bah bee koh-LEE-uh ah tuhb.

I'm a doctor. (male speaker)

I'm a doctor. (male speaker)
.انا طبيب
AN-uh tuh-BEEB.

I'm a doctor. (female speaker)

I'm a doctor. (female speaker)
.انا طبيبة
AN-uh tuh-BEE-bah.

I'm a nursing student. (male speaker)

I'm a nursing student. (male speaker)
.انا طالب تمريض
AN-uh TAW-lib TOM-reed.

I'm a nursing student. (female speaker)

I'm a nursing student. (female speaker)
.انا طالبة تمريض
AN-uh TAW-lee-buht TOM-reed.

I'm a nurse. (male speaker)

I'm a nurse. (male speaker)
.انا ممرض
AN-uh MOH-mah-red.

I'm a nurse. (female speaker)

I'm a nurse. (female speaker)
.انا ممرضة
AN-uh MOH-mah-red-ah.

I'm a healthcare professional. (male speaker)

I'm a healthcare professional. (male speaker)
.انا خبير رعاية صحية
AN-uh hah-BEER rey-AHY-uh suh-HEY-ah.

I'm a healthcare professional. (female speaker)

I'm a healthcare professional. (female speaker)
.انا خبيرة رعاية صحية
AN-uh hah-BEER-aht rey-AHY-uh suh-HEY-ah.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.
.انا تشرفت بمقابلتكم
AN-uh TEY-shah-rahft bee moo-kah-bey-LEH-tee-kohm.

We're here to help you.

We're here to help you.
.نحن هنا للمساعدة
NAH-noo HOO-nah lee moo sah AH-dah.

One moment, I will get an interpreter.

One moment, I will get an interpreter.
.لحظة واحدة، سوف احضر المترجمة
lah dah WAH-hee-dah, SOH-fuh AWR-der ahy MOO-tahr-jee-mah.

Sorry, I don't speak Arabic.

Sorry, I don't speak Arabic.
.عفواً، أنا لا أتحدث عربى
AWF-on, AN-uh lah AH-tah-hah-dot awl ah-rah-BEE-ah.

I hope you feel better. (speaking to someone who identifies as male)

I hope you feel better. (speaking to someone who identifies as male)
.أتمنى أن تشعر بتحسن
AH-tuh MUHN-ah on tey-SHAWR BEE-tah-hah-suhn.

I hope you feel better. (speaking to someone who identifies as female)

I hope you feel better. (speaking to someone who identifies as female)
.أتمنى أن تشعري بتحسن
AH-tuh MUHN-ah on tey-SHAWR-ee BEE-tah-hah-suhn.


.مع السلامة
mah EH-suh-lahm.