Shout Out to Tom Delaney

Subject line: Tom is the best!
Hi Max,
I just wanted to give Tom Delaney a shout out. He is extraordinarily helpful, knowledgeable, dependable, and available at almost all hours of the day.
He is great asset to all UMASS radiologists and we're lucky to have him!
Mike Caruso, MD
Thanks Mike
I agree 100%
What did he help you with ?
Max Rosen, MD, chair of radiology
I had a bad monitor when I first started, and he replaced the next day. The recent Epic upgrade didn’t properly install on my home PACS. Tom coordinated multiple attempts to fix the problem remotely via the IT Helpdesk and Agfa team. I ultimately had to bring my PC in-house, and he personally fixed the problem and returned it to me later that day.
Mike Caruso