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Skeff: Feedback

Effective feedback is dependent upon and influences many other teaching components, particularly several built into this model, such as establishing a positive learning climate, control of the teaching session, and the communication of goals. Feedback may be positive (reinforcement, praise), or critical (performance needs to improve). The role of the teacher is to maintain the appropriate learning environment while giving the learner specific information about his or her performance.

  • The purpose of feedback is to reinforce or improve performance
  • Positive feedback is as important as constructive criticism
  • Criticism is not equal to negative feedback when it is constructive
  • Link feedback to specific learning and behavioral objectives
  • Allocate time for giving feedback to ensure a positive learning climate
  • Preserve a mutually respectful exchange during feedback sessions

Feedback Hints

  • feedback can - and when all can benefit without embarrassment, should - be given in groups
  • if the environment is comfortable and respectful, both positive feedback and constructive criticism can be safely given

SMART-ER Feedback Outline

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant (respectful)
  • Timely

Effective feedback ends with an action plan: [who] will do [what] by [when] -- and how you will be able to tell that the plan has been accomplished?

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The Seven-Component Framework to Enhance Teaching Effectiveness


Skeff, K. M. (1988). Enhancing teaching effectiveness and vitality in the ambulatory setting. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 3, S26-S33.