Fellow Research
Omar F. Duenas, MD (2013-2016)
Duenas-Garcia OF, Flynn MK, Leung, Katherine, Kim Youngwu. Sharing information for “Vascular anatomical relationships of the retropubic space and the sacrospinous ligament, using three-dimensional imaging”. Int Urogynecol J. 2016 Dec 26 PMID 28025679
Duenas-Garcia OF, Patterson D, De la Luz Nieto M, Leung K, Flynn MK, Voiding Function After Midurethral Slings with and Without Local Anesthetic: Randomized Controlled Trial. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg 2016 Sept 26 PMID 27682748
Kandadai P, Duenas-Garcia OF, Pilzeck AL, Saini J, Flynn MK, Leung K, Patterson D., A Randomized Controlled Trial of Patient -Controlled Valve Catheter and Indwelling Foley Cather for Short-term Bladder Drainage. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg 2016 Jan. 30 PMID 26825411
Dueñas-Garcia OF, Sullivan GM, Hall CD, Flynn MK, O'Dell KK, Pharmacological Agents to Decrease New Episodes of Recurrent Lower Urinary Tract Infections in Postmenopausal Women. A Systematic Review. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2016 Jan.30 26829348
Dueñas-García OF, Beltrán-Montoya JJ. Manual of Operative Obstetrics and Surgical Procedures (Manual de Obstetricia y Procedimientos Medicoquirurgicos) (1st ed). Mexico City: McGraw Hill. ISBN 9786071512178. Main editor of the book. 2015
Marcaine/Epinephrine vs Saline for suburethral injection at the time of midurethral sling placement. A Randomized Controlled Trial. IRB Docket H#14197. Mentor: Michael K Flynn MD
Dueñas-Garcia OF, Kandadai P, Flynn MK, Patterson D, Saini J, O'Dell K. Patient-focused websites related to stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse: a DISCERN quality analysis. (Published: Int Urogynecol J. 2015 Jan 13)
Dueñas-Garcia OF, Jean-Michel M, Marroquin-Galvez G, Mikhail M. Awareness of Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Specialty by Family Medicine Residents: A national survey.
Duenas-Garcia OF, Youwngu K, Flynn MK. Retropubic and sacrospinious anatomy using 3 dimensional imaging. Accepted for presentation at the 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Gynecologic Surgeons. Palm Springs, CA. 4/10/2016
Sullivan GM, Duenas-Garcia OF, Leung K, Flynn MK. The negative predictive value of preoperative urodynamoics for postoperative stress urinary incontinence in patients undergoing prolapse repair. 42nd Annual Scientific meeting of the Society of Gynecologic Surgeons. Accepted for Poster presentation. Palm Springs, CA. 4/10/2016
Duenas-Garcia OF,Patterson D, Bellin, P, Yates J. Transurethral Management of Mesh Extrusion in the bladder. Video presentation. American Urogynecological Society. Seattle, WA. 10/2015
Duenas-Garcia OF,Hall CD. Ectopic ureter mimicking a premature rupture of membranes. Presented at “Stump the Professor Event” at the New England Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. 11/4/2015. Sturbridge, MA
Duenas-Garcia OF, O’Dell KK, Flynn MK, Kandadai P, Patterson D, Saini J, Patient-Focused websites related to stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapsed: A DISCERN quality analysis. Podium oralpresentation AUGS/IUGA meeting Washington, DC. 7/ 2014
Duenas –Garcia OF, Kandadai P, Flynn MK. Facilitation of canalization of a fistulous tract with a whistle tip catheter for a vesicovaginal fistuala. Video presentation. Society of Gynecologic Surgeons, Orlando, FL. 3/2015
Padmasini Kandadai, MD (2011-2014)
Kandadai, P. O’Dell KK Chapter 22: Pharmacologic treatment for symptoms of the lower urinary tract. In Principles & Practice of Pharmacology in Women’s Health 2nd Ed. Brucker MC. King T (Eds) Jones & Bartlett. 2017
Kandadai P.,Flynn MK.“Urinary Tract Infection in Postmenopausal Women” As part of periFACTS Ob/Gyn Academy Continuing Education. 2014
Patient operated catheter vs transurethral Foley. A Randomized Controlled Trial IRB Docket H#13523 Mentors: Michael K Flynn MD & Danielle Patterson MD
Urinary Retention After Hysterectomy and Postoperative Analgesic Use. Kandadai P, Saini J, Patterson D, O'Dell K, Flynn M. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2014 Dec 1.
Correct Performance of Pelvic Muscle Exercises in Women Reporting Prior Knowledge. Kandadai P, O'Dell K, Saini J. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2014 Oct 27.
Acute urinary retention after cesarean delivery: a case-control study. Kandadai P, Kandadai V, Saini J, O'Dell K, Patterson D, Flynn MK. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2014 Sep-Oct;20(5):276-80.
Cost-utility of routine endometrial evaluation before le fort colpocleisis. Kandadai P, Flynn M, Zweizig S, Patterson D. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2014 May-Jun;20(3):168-73.
Duenas-Garcia OF, Kandadai P, Flynn MK, Patterson D, Saini J, O’Dell KK. Patient-focused websites related to stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapsed: a DISCERN quality analysis. Int Urogyncol J. 2015 Jan. 13. PMD 25578872
Duenas-Garcia OF, O’Dell KK, Flynn MK, Kandadai P, Patterson D, Saini J, Patient-Focuses websites related to stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapsed: A DISCERN quality analysis. Podium oralpresentation AUGS/IUGA meeting Washington, DC. 7/ 2014
Duenas-Garcia OF, O’Dell KK, Flynn MK, Kandadai P, Patterson D, Saini J, Patient-Focuses websites related to stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapsed: A DISCERN quality analysis. Podium oralpresentation AUGS/IUGA meeting Washington, DC. 7/ 2014
Duenas –Garcia OF, Kandadai P, Flynn MK. Facilitation of canalization of a fistulous tract with a whistle tip catheter for a vesicovaginal fistuala. Video presentation. Society of Gynecologic Surgeons, Orlando, FL. 3/2015
Kandadai P,O’Dell KK, Saini J. Correct performance of pelvic muscle exercises in women report prior knowledge. Presented at AUGS annual Scientific Meeting, October 2013, Las Vegas, NV
Kandadai P, Saini J, Patterson D, O’Dell KK, Flynn MK. Acute urinary retention after hysterectomy for benign disease: A case control study, poster presentation AUGS annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. October 2013
Diego S. Illanes, MD (2008-2011)
Live Sutures for the Repair of the Damaged Pelvic Floor
Grant: $10,000 - University of Massachusetts Medical School, Dept. of Ob/Gyn
IACUC Docket#09-17. Mentor: George Pins, PhD & Stephen Young, MD
Objective and subjective analysis of outcomes for obliterative pelvic reconstructive surgery: A ten year evaluation. IRB Docket H#13602 . Mentor: Stephen Young, MD & Tiffany Moore Simas, MD, MPH, MEd
Modified suture for the suspension of the vaginal vault after hysterectomy in a fresh female cadaver (animal preliminary studies complete). No IRB required for preliminary animal study
Mentor: Kristen Billar, PhD
Long- term efficacy of the pubovaginal Mersilene mesh sling. (Published: American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2009;201(5):516). Mentor: Stephen Young, MD
Emily Weber LeBrun, MD (2007-2010)
Preoperative Indicators for Postoperative Subjective Improvement Following Midurethral Sling Procedure for Stress Urinary Incontinence. IRB Docket H#13301. Mentors: Rob Goldberg , PhD; Carol Bigelow, PhD; Michael Aronson, MD; Stephen Young, MD; Tiffany Moore Simas, MD, MPH, MEd
Urogynecology Fellowship Surgical Experience and Self-Assessment. IRB Docket H#12755. Mentor: Stephen Young, MD
New England Urogynecologic Mesh (NEU-ME) Registry. IRB Docket H#13208. Mentors: Stephen Young, MD; Fred Anderson, PhD.
Long- term efficacy of the pubovaginal Mersilene mesh sling. (Published: American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2009;201(5):516). Mentor: Stephen B. Young, MD
LTC Scott M. Kambiss, DO (2005-2008)
Lisa C. Labin, MD (2004-2007)
Labin, LC, Morse, AN. Overactive Bladder and Stress Urinary Incontinence from Diagnosis to Treatment. Sexuality, Reproduction & Menopause. 2005; 3(1):18-22.
Labin, LC, Aronson, MP. Case presentation and Expert Discussion: Mixed Incontinence. In Walters MD, Karram MM (eds): Urogynecology and Reconstructive Surgery, 3rd edition, (Publication date 2006). Mosby Yearbook, Inc, St. Louis, MO.
Labin, LC, Morse AN, Young SB. Vaginal revision of Intravesical Tnesion-free Vaginal tape 44 Hours After Initial Placement: a case report. Int Urigynecol J, accepted for publication.
Morse AN, Labin LC, Young SB, Aronson MP, Gurwitz JH. Exclusion of Elderly Women from Published Randomized Trials of Stress Incontinence Surgery. Obstet Gynecol 2004; 104:498-503.
O'Dell KK, Labin LC. Common Problems of Urination in Non-Pregnant Women: Causes, Current Managment, and prevention Strategies. J of Midwifery and Women's Health2006;51(3):159-173.
Barron KI, Savageau J, Young SB, Labin LC, Morse AN. predicition of Successful Voiding Immediately After Outpatient Mid-urethral Sling. Int Urogynecol J, (2006)17:570-575
Obstetrics & Gynecology
UMass Memorial Health
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119 Belmont Street
Worcester, MA 01605