Letter from our Department Chair
Dear Applicant,
I am thrilled to share information with you about our Ob/Gyn residency program – I am writing as Department Chair but more importantly as a proud alumna. I can state unequivocally that we have an excellent program with dedicated faculty that offer and continuously iterate improvements in all aspects of our curriculum – improvements driven by changes in standards of care, regulations, education theory, and resident/faculty input. Our mission is to not just train, but to inspire, the next generation of specialists and subspecialists in Ob/Gyn to be compassionate and outstanding clinicians, educators, researchers, advocates, leaders, and lifelong learners.
We offer comprehensive training in, exposure to, and thus experience with all aspects of obstetric and gynecologic care. We have a great number of faculty who are academic specialists in general obstetric and gynecology, and partner collaboratively with our community and private faculty in our operating rooms and maternity center. Our faculty are also deeply engaged with and committed to the care of persons with sexual and reproductive health needs through our all-inclusive subspecialty divisions of gynecologic oncology, maternal-fetal medicine (MFM), reproductive endocrinology and infertility (REI), and urogynecology/female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery (UG/FPMRS); in addition, to faculty who are subspecialty trained in family planning, minimally invasive gynecology surgery (MIGS), pediatric and adolescent gynecology (PAGS).
Our residency is committed to training competent general obstetrician gynecologists who are equally prepared to practice independently, or competitively pursue subspecialty training, while maintaining a love of inquiry and life long learning. Thus beyond clinical training, we recognize that physicians are both learners and teachers. As teachers, we educate our patients, our staff, and each other throughout our careers. There are ongoing programs throughout the year focusing on training not only our residents, but also our faculty, in effective teaching methods and successful mentoring. Our Department is dedicated to teaching and to protecting your core resident education time.
Limitless scholarship opportunities are available through research and quality improvement initiatives. Our Department is committed to advancing knowledge and quality of care in our specialty. Our Research Division works with residents to develop, execute, analyze and present their chosen research projects. All residents complete their projects successfully and the vast majority present at national meetings. We are open to nurturing all areas of scholarship and research interests for our residents. Of note, we are nationally recognized for our work in integrating perinatal mental health and substance use disorder care with obstetric care.
We want to ensure that you are fully prepared to succeed in your career and be leaders in the field. Towards that goal, we have special efforts regarding diversity inclusion and equity, teams and team building, communication skill building, organizational management, quality improvement, advocacy, professionalism, ethics, and career planning. It is important to us that at the end of your residency training you can achieve lifelong career satisfaction.
The faculty and I are very proud of our educational program. We welcome inquiries and would be happy to discuss our program and its continuing evolution as we grow and develop new ways to care for, educate, and communicate with each other in order to most effectively care for our patients, and nurture you as professionals, learners, and whole beings.

Chair, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry and Population & Quantitative Health Sciences
Medical Director, Lifeline4Moms
Engagement Director, MCPAP for Moms