UMMS Emergency Ultrasound Rotation
The Division of Emergency Ultrasound offers an amazing opportunity for medical students and residents to rotate with us in our emergency department at the UMass Memorial Medical Center. We offer 4-week rotations that let you be a part of our busy emergency medicine ultrasound team! We welcome medical students and residents from UMass and other institutions. We have an amazing division that is at the forefront of Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) education and research and well known regionally and nationally.
The 4-week rotation gives you a chance to rotate in our busy tertiary care Emergency Department and get hands on experience with POCUS. You will rotate alongside emergency medicine residents, ultrasound fellows and the divisional faculty.
Along with hands on scanning, you will get didactics weekly from the fellows and divisional faculty. You will also get one on one hands on teaching from the Ultrasound fellows. You will participate in image review with different divisional faculty weekly. This rotation is an excellent way to enhance your POCUS skills and improve your clinical skills.

Basic schedule:
Mondays: Image review, one on one teaching with divisional faculty, scanning, Journal Club (once during 4 week rotation)
Tuesdays: Lecture from US fellow, hands on scanning in department with residents and fellows
Wednesdays: EM conference, didactics from divisional faculty, Hands on teaching from divisional faculty and fellows, image review, scanning
Thursdays: Image review and scanning
Fridays: Scanning
How do I sign up? We have a limited number of positions per 4-week block. Please get in touch with Dr. Monica Kapoor: to inquire about signing up. We look forward to having you rotate with us!
This rotation is not offered in July or August and must be taken as a 4 week elective.
Faculty Advisor: Monica Kapoor, MD