The Lab

As part of the UMass Core Facility – Cryo-EM Core Facility, our lab is currently focused on bringing this increasingly important and latest technology to UMass Chan Medical School campus to promote medical science researches. One of our missions is to make cryo-EM related resource and techniques more accessible to both scientific research laboratories and pharmaceutical biotech industries. Besides supervising and helping new local users to conduct Cryo-EM experiments and image processing, we also design, develop and implement new methods and protocols to maximize the throughput of this quickly changing but somewhat still difficult technique.
Meet the LabResearch Focus

We are very interested in designing and developing practical methods and protocols to maximize the throughput efficiency of CryoEM workflow - from sample preparation, data collection to image processing.
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774-455-4050 (office)
Mailing Address:
UMass Chan Medical School
Attn: Dr. Chen Xu/BMB Department
364 Plantation St LRB902
Worcester, MA 01605
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We are always interested in applications from qualified candidates at postdoctoral and research associate levels.
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Undergraduates interested in pursuing a PhD at UMass Chan Medical School should apply directly to the Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Program.