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Working Together: Treating the Whole Person with Chronic Pain


Spring is the season for learning! 

Join our notification list to be the first to know about our upcoming online modules, cipc@umassmed.edu




This six-hour training addresses team-based care of patients with chronic pain.  Improving the care of individuals with pain is critical in primary care.  Our approach focuses on integrating the medical and behavioral aspects of caring for patients with chronic pain. Addressing chronic pain and improving the lives of persons living with pain is critically necessary in primary care.

When is the interactive workshop?

  • We had this live workshop on December 6, 2024. We will turn that content into self-paced online modules for Spring 2025. To be put on a list to be contacted when enrollment opens please email cipc@umassmed.edu

How much does it cost?

  • Information on this will be available soon 
  • $300 includes CMEs through the American Association of Family Physicians (AAFP) and American Psychological Association (APA) 
  • $250 for no credits 
  • Payment can be made by credit card, UMass internal transfer
  • For our refund policy, please click here for details

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