Victor Ambros has won the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine!

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Shao-Hsien Liu, PhD, MPH

Dr. Liu is a musculoskeletal epidemiologist with years of clinical practice as a physical therapist. Dr. Liu's research focus includes the application of advanced epidemiological and statistical methods to generate knowledge to ultimately improve quality of care for patients with inflammatory arthritis. Dr. Liu has extensive experience using nationally representative samples with complex, multistage designs and observational data with measurements of patient-reported outcomes and physical activity. His current research focuses on clinical outcomes research that involve measurements of patient-reported outcomes and post-surgical care among patients with arthritis. His current projects focus on understanding post-surgical care among patients undergone joint replacement surgeries as well as preventive strategies to minimize disease progression in patients with osteoarthritis. 

Shao-Hsien Liu, MPH, PhD