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Mental (Behavioral) Health Resources

Depressive disorders affect approximately
  18.8 million American adults or about 9.5%
  of the U.S. population.                
Two thirds of people suffering from depression   
  do not seek appropriate treatment


Clinical depression is a serious medical illness that involves a chemical imbalance in the brain. It is not something that can be willed away or ignored. For more information click the links below: 

Major Depression


UMass Department of 

National Alliance of Mental Health


What Is Depression?

UMass Depression Clinic 








The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation has funded a lot of projects on recognizing and treating depression in primary care. Click here for info.

When you are depressed, sometimes it feels like nothing will help and there is nothing you can do to feel better. But here are some ideas that others have found very helpful:

Action Plan 

Action Plan (Spanish)

Help Yourself

Help Yourself (Spanish)

Your provider may have suggested you start a medication. Click here to learn more about taking antidepressant medication:

Dep Meds

Dep Meds (Spanish)


Antidepressant (Spanish)

Psychological counseling can also help treat depression, either instead of medication or in addition to medication. For more information about counseling for depression:

Psychological Counseling

Psychological Counseling (Spanish)